Wednesday, October 25, 2006

second day raya

its second day of raya. time flies so fast and one wishes it would lasts longer. like before, since thursday is a working day, we only have two days to visit as many relatives as possible. Fortunately we have relatives only in Brunei, Belait and Tutong not Temburong. Never spent Raya in Temburong and I am wondering how it feels. I guess it would be the same though it would be a nice experience. One can only visit maximum 10 houses per day (I think, since I never count). Why is that? Well, we normally spend at least one hour at one house since... well you know why... all the bla.. bla.. bla.. hows ur son, hows ur daughter and all the 365 days (or less) that we need to talk about.. but thats what Raya is all about, keeping up with everything and the most important thing is to bring the families together again so that one day the younger generations would recognize their relatives.


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